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We Need Your Help

We have a desire to start a 24x7 prayer house to work in conjunction with the missionary agency, but the Lord needs to provide in a huge way.

We are called to be in continuous prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17 ).  


If it is true that anyone can pray at anytime and anyplace, then why do we need a place dedicated to prayer?  Prayer is as simple as taking time to communicate with our Creator and yet a majority of the Christians living in the Western World have a major problem following through with this extremely important spiritual discipline.  Many desire to pray but find themselves victims of business (work, school, family, friends, errands, etc.) and distractions (social media, YouTube, games, TV, hobbies, etc).

The Uproot Collective’s prayer house will allow people to intentionally plan for a purposeful time of prayer without distraction.  The prayer rooms will be intricately designed to inspire small group, and individual prayer and quiet time with the Lord. We will also hold prayer services with the intention of uniting people in corporate prayer.  Offering services in multiple languages will give prayer warriors an opportunity to gather and pray in their heart language.  


Everybody is looking for purpose and praying at the prayer house will help the individual feel a part of something so much bigger than themselves – the goal of individuals coming together to create a 24x7 movement that will reach out of Broward County to touch the whole world.  

While a missionary agency and a prayer house are seemingly two very different ministries, they are both vital to each other.  Missionaries are birthed out of prayer (Luke 10:2, Acts 13:2-3) and missionaries are sustained through prayer (Colossians 4:2-3, Ephesians 6:18-20).  The prayer house will have a special focus on lifting up the work of our missionaries and therefore encouraging each Christian to engage in their role in the Great Commission.  We firmly believe that our missionaries will be more successful in the ministry to which the Lord has called them because of the backing of the this movement.

We invite you to help us bring this dream to reality!

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Distinctives:  Prayer Rooms  ✧  24x7 prayer  ✧  Weekly Prayer Services  ✧  Language Teams  ✧  Special Prayer Meetings  ✧  Focus on Missions   ✧  Focus on Local  ✧  Reaching the Lost  ✧  Prayer Requests  ✧  Balanced Doctrine


Missionaries are birthed out of prayer and sustained through prayer.

Can We Pray For You?

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The Uproot Collective

7875 NW 57th St #25375

Tamarac, FL 33351


Provide us with your information and we will keep you up-to-date with our latest news.



Prayer House


Copyright © 2022  The Uproot Collective.  All Rights Reserved

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