Their Story
Jason and Nickel have been married now for 11 years. In prayer the Lord spoke to their hearts about doing ministry in Nicaragua and planting a church, even though they had never been there. The Lord made the connection they needed with a dear sister in Nicaragua, so they were able to start moving forward. During the last 6 years, they have led several short-term missionary teams to Nicaragua. After living on the field fulltime for approximately a year, the Holy Spirit established a little fellowship. Since then, they have been traveling back and forth every couple months. During 2021, they spent most of the year in Nicaragua (due to the death of their friend and lead pastor, Pastor Willy). They are currently supporting a couple of the national leaders. When they are not in Nicaragua, they are doing ministry in the United States. Every Friday night they are reaching out in downtown St. Petersburg through street evangelism and regularly visiting churches and life groups to encourage the believers.

Population: 6,243,931
Location: Central America
Language: Spanish (official) 95.3%, Miskito 2.2%, Mestizo of the Caribbean coast 2%, other 0.5%
Capital: Managua
Religion: Roman Catholic 50%, Evangelical 33.2%, other 2.9%, none 0.7%, unspecified 13.2%
Did you Know?: Pointing is accomplished with the lips - pucker the lips and raise the chin briefly in the direction you are pointing to.
🙏 Prayer Request:
Please pray for the Lord to strengthen and establish the ministry in Nicaragua in the grace of God.
🙏 Prayer Request:
Please pray for the gospel to run swiftly thru Nicaragua.
🙏 Prayer Request:
Please pray for God to raise up these believers.
🙏 Prayer Request:
Please pray for Nickel and I for wisdom and direction.
Personal Prayer Requests
Last Updated:
February 12, 2022