Their Story
Steve and Morgan met and began dating after serving as camp counselors together at The Camp at Old Mill in 1998. Steve and Morgan were married in Coatesville in 2003. After the birth of their 1st son, Steve and Morgan moved their family of three to south Florida. Steve began teaching at Calvary Christian Academy Ft. Lauderdale and then moved to a full-time ministry role as CCA Director of Discipleship. He was ordained as Pastor in November of 2021. Through the 15 years of living in Florida, and raising their three sons, God was preparing for a return to Coatesville and ministering alongside Jack Crans and County Corrections Gospel Mission (CCGM). Steve and Morgan serve together in Coatesville and the surrounding area ministering at the prison, in the city and at Providence Church Coatesville, where they attend church.

Population: 341,963,408
Location: North America
Language: English only 78.2%, Spanish 13.4%, Chinese 1.1%, other 7.3% (2017 est.)
Capital: Washington, DC
Religion: Protestant 46.5%, Roman Catholic 20.8%, Jewish 1.9%, Mormon 1.6%, other Christian 0.9%, Muslim 0.9%, Jehovah's Witness 0.8%, Buddhist 0.7%, Hindu 0.7%, other 1.8%, unaffiliated 22.8%, don't know/refused 0.6% (2014 est.)
Did you Know?: The USA is famous for its hamburgers, with an estimated 50 billion hamburgers consumed by Americans each year. The first hamburger chain, White Castle, was established in 1921.
🙏 Prayer Request:
Family Home - We were fortunate to purchase a home amid a tough housing market. We have settled into the area and we’ve had the opportunity to get to know many people in our new community.
🙏 Prayer Request:
Intentional Discipleship - Over the last 8 months Steve has been privileged to meet with and disciple over 40 men at Chester County Prison for 1-on-1 discipleship counseling. Many have been saved and are now on a discipleship track.
🙏 Prayer Request:
Building Connections - Partnerships with churches in our immediate area have strengthened over the past year. The Lord is providing more opportunities to partner with those abroad for mission trips and ongoing ministry.
🙌 Praise Report:
Re-entry Success - We have maintained a consistent relationship with local men being released through our work release Bible study. Many have found church homes and employment as they rebuild their lives.
🙏 Prayer Request:
Financial Provision - Pray for individuals, churches, or organizations to come alongside us and support our family. He makes a way for those He calls
Personal Prayer Requests
Last Updated:
July 29, 2024